Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Georgia's Non-Judicial Foreclosure Statutes :: Just the Nuts and Bolts

Listed below are the Georgia Statutes relevant to a Non-Judicial Foreclosure. For some reason, I email these out every day or so. So, for those who keep asking for the citations to same, here they are:

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OCGA § 44-14-160. Recording Of Foreclosure And Deed Under Power; Notations Of Sale In Records.

When the holder of a deed to secure debt or a mortgage forecloses the same and sells the real property thereby secured under the laws of this state governing foreclosures and sales under power and the purchaser thereof presents to the clerk of the superior court his deed under power to have the same recorded, the clerk shall write in the margin of the page where the deed to secure debt or mortgage foreclosed upon is recorded the word "foreclosed" and the deed book and page number on which is recorded the deed under power conveying the real property; provided, however, that, in counties where the clerk keeps the records affecting real estate on microfilm, the notation provided for in this Code section shall be made in the same manner in the index or other place where the clerk records transfers and cancellations of deeds to secure debt.

OCGA § 44-14-161. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- When Deficiency Judgment Allowed; Confirmation And Approval; Notice And Hearing; Resale.

(a) When any real estate is sold on foreclosure, without legal process, and under powers contained in security deeds, mortgages, or other lien contracts and at the sale the real estate does not bring the amount of the debt secured by the deed, mortgage, or contract, no action may be taken to obtain a deficiency judgment unless the person instituting the foreclosure proceedings shall, within 30 days after the sale, report the sale to the judge of the superior court of the county in which the land is located for confirmation and approval and shall obtain an order of confirmation and approval thereon.

(b) The court shall require evidence to show the true market value of the property sold under the powers and shall not confirm the sale unless it is satisfied that the property so sold brought its true market value on such foreclosure sale.

(c) The court shall direct that a notice of the hearing shall be given to the debtor at least five days prior thereto; and at the hearing the court shall also pass upon the legality of the notice, advertisement, and regularity of the sale. The court may order a resale of the property for good cause shown.

OCGA § 44-14-162. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- Manner Of Advertisement And Conduct Necessary For Validity.

(a) No sale of real estate under powers contained in mortgages, deeds, or other lien contracts shall be valid unless the sale shall be advertised and conducted at the time and place and in the usual manner of the sheriff's sales in the county in which such real estate or a part thereof is located and unless notice of the sale shall have been given as required by Code Section 44-14-162.2. If the advertisement contains the street address, city, and ZIP Code of the property, such information shall be clearly set out in bold type. In addition to any other matter required to be included in the advertisement of the sale, if the property encumbered by the mortgage, security deed, or lien contract has been transferred or conveyed by the original debtor to a new owner and an assumption by the new owner of the debt secured by said mortgage, security deed, or lien contract has been approved in writing by the secured creditor, then the advertisement should also include a recital of the fact of such transfer or conveyance and the name of the new owner, as long as information regarding any such assumption is readily discernable by the foreclosing creditor. Failure to include such a recital in the advertisement, however, shall not invalidate an otherwise valid foreclosure sale.

(b) The security instrument or assignment thereof vesting the secured creditor with title to the security instrument shall be filed prior to the time of sale in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the real property is located.
History. Amended by 2008 Ga. Laws 576, OCGA § 1, eff. 5/13/2008.
Amended by 2001 Ga. Laws 266, OCGA § 1, eff. 7/1/2001.

OCGA § 44-14-162.1. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- Mailing Of Notice To Debtor -- "Debtor" Defined.

As used in Code Sections 44-14-162.2 through 44-14-162.4, the term "debtor" means the grantor of the mortgage, security deed, or other lien contract. In the event the property encumbered by the mortgage, security deed, or lien contract has been transferred or conveyed by the original debtor, the term "debtor" shall mean the current owner of the property encumbered by the debt, if the identity of such owner has been made known to and acknowledged by the secured creditor prior to the time the secured creditor is required to give notice pursuant to Code Section 44-14-162.2.

OCGA § 44-14-162.2. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- Mailing Of Notice To Debtor -- Procedure For Mailing Notice.

(a) Notice of the initiation of proceedings to exercise a power of sale in a mortgage, security deed, or other lien contract shall be given to the debtor by the secured creditor no later than 30 days before the date of the proposed foreclosure. Such notice shall be in writing, shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor, and shall be sent by registered or certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, return receipt requested, to the property address or to such other address as the debtor may designate by written notice to the secured creditor. The notice required by this Code section shall be deemed given on the official postmark day or day on which it is received for delivery by a commercial delivery firm. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require a secured creditor to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of a mortgage instrument.

(b) The notice required by subsection (a) of this Code section shall be given by mailing or delivering to the debtor a copy of the notice of sale to be submitted to the publisher.
History. Amended by 2008 Ga. Laws 576, OCGA § 2, eff. 5/13/2008.
Amended by 2001 Ga. Laws 370, OCGA § 6, eff. 7/1/2001.

OCGA § 44-14-162.3. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- Mailing Of Notice To Debtor -- Applicability Of Notice Requirement; Waiver Or Release Of Notice Requirement.

(a) The notice requirement of Code Section 44-14-162.2 shall apply only to the exercise of a power of sale of property all or part of which is to be used as a dwelling place by the debtor at the time the mortgage, security deed, or lien contract is entered into.

(b) The notice requirement of Code Section 44-14-162.2 shall apply to all nonjudicial foreclosure sales under a mortgage, security deed, or other lien contract taking place after July 1, 1981, this Code section being procedural and remedial in purpose.

(c) No waiver or release of the notice requirement of Code Section 44-14-162.2 shall be valid when made in or contemporaneously with the security instrument containing the power of nonjudicial foreclosure sale; but, notwithstanding the requirements of Code Sections 44-14-162.1, 44-14-162.2, this Code section, and Code Section 44-14-162.4, a subsequent quitclaim deed in lieu of foreclosure shall be valid and effective as such.
History. Amended by 2002 Ga. Laws 462, OCGA § 44, eff. 4/18/2002.

OCGA § 44-14-162.4. Sales Made On Foreclosure Under Power Of Sale -- Mailing Of Notice To Debtor -- Recitals In Deeds As To Meeting Of Notice Requirement.

All deeds under power shall contain recitals setting forth the giving of notice in compliance with Code Section 44-14-162.2 or a statement of the facts which render the same inapplicable thereto, which facts may include, without limitation, the nonresidential character of the property. The effect of such recitals shall be to protect the validity of the title of any subsequent purchaser in good faith other than the lender.

OCGA § 44-14-163. Vacation Of Certain Judgments Prior To Sale -- Jurisdiction, Power, And Authority.

When a judgment is rendered upon any obligation secured by a deed to secure debt, a bond for title to realty, or a bill of sale to personalty given under Code Section 44-14-60, the court which rendered the judgment shall have the jurisdiction, power, and authority to vacate and set aside the judgment at any time before the sale of the property described in the deed, bond for title, or bill of sale is made upon the motion of the attorney of the plaintiff in execution and of the attorney of the defendant in execution and the payment of the costs. The jurisdiction, power, and authority to vacate and set aside a judgment as provided in this Code section shall extend to a judgment on a purchase-money note, a conditional sale contract where a title is reserved as security or a bond for title is given, a judgment and decree foreclosing a mortgage, and all other cases where it is necessary under Code Section 44-14-210 to reconvey property to the defendant in execution for the purpose of levy and sale.

OCGA § 44-14-164. Vacation Of Certain Judgments Prior To Sale -- Cancellation Of Execution; Invalidation Of Deed Made For Purpose Of Levy And Sale; Notation On Record.

Whenever a judgment is so vacated and set aside, the clerk of the court in which it was rendered shall mark the fi. fa. issued on the judgment "canceled"; and the clerk of the superior court shall enter the same upon the general execution docket and make thereon an appropriate reference to the order vacating the judgment. Whenever a judgment is vacated and set aside as provided in Code Section 44-14-163, any deed reconveying the property to the defendant in fi. fa. for the purpose of levy and sale shall be automatically canceled and rendered null and void by virtue of this Code section; and the clerk of the superior court shall enter on the record of such deed or reconveyance, when recorded, the word "canceled" and shall make an appropriate reference to the order vacating the judgment.

OCGA § 44-14-165. Vacation Of Certain Judgments Prior To Sale -- Effect.
When a judgment is vacated and set aside as provided by Code Sections 44-14-163 and 44-14-164, the obligation upon which the judgment was rendered, as well as the deed, bond for title, bill of sale securing the same, and other instruments mentioned in Code Section 44-14-163, shall be fully restored in all respects to their original status which existed prior to the commencement of the action in which the judgment was rendered; and thereafter the instruments shall be for all purposes whatsoever legally of force and effect as if an action had not been instituted and a judgment had not been obtained on the obligation.


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